For the first time in history of our club, the beginners’ welcome class will be conducted online, via Zoom.
As Dublin entered level 3 of restrictions due to the COVID-19, we have decided to start online classes for the next few months.
Normally, we would have our first official class of the semester held in Hall A, with 2 or sometimes even 3 instructors present while guiding up to a hundred new members. We would have talked to each of you during the Sports Expo week and answered all your burning questions while giving out freebies that our club sponsors provided.

UCD Karate Freshers’ Welcome Monday 2019
That will not happen this year for obvious reasons.
So instead of having Hall A packed, the safest way we can do is to train while being socially distanced through Zoom, in the comfort of your own home. Join us for the unconventional 2020 Online Welcome to UCD Karate event on Monday, 12 October 2020 at 6:10pm. Class is open to all UCD students, alumni and staff as usual.
Instead of pizza and ice cream that we usually provide after class, the committee has prepared activities that will guarantee you a fun night!
What do I need to prepare?
Wear exercise clothes, something you can move and sweat in, no special footwear is needed. Also prepare a water bottle as we will have frequent water breaks during the 1-hour training session.
Make sure that you have space in your home for an exercise – an area that you can safely make 2-3 steps would be enough. Keeping the camera on and mic muted is highly recommended.
Lastly, bring a good “spirit” and an open mind, ready to learn a new sport that will strengthen you physically and mentally.
Join the Beginners’ Welcome Class
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