Club News & Updates
Catch up on the Good Stuff
HIGHLIGHT: Club of the Year!
After an incredible year, winning multiple championships around Ireland such as Intercollegiate Championship cup and All-Ireland Invervarsity Cup, UCD Karate Club has attained another landmark achievement, winning the title of UCD Club of the Year 2019.
Find us at UCD Sports Expo 2021
Want to know more about UCD Karate? We'll be at the UCD Sports Expo tent from Monday to Friday (20-24 Sep), between 12pm-6pm at the Student Centre quad. Here's the location pin on Google Maps to find us: Come by, have a chat, sign...
Holy Balls Batman! It’s week 12
The Dublin Intercollegiate Competition is this week and it's time to get hyped. Everyone who's planning to compete (sign up here), and even everyone who's not: make a special effort to get down this week to polish off those kata and fire off those kicks. Oh and we're...
Hey All!
A huge congratulations to all those who competed over the weekend and to all those who couldn't make it we hope to see you compete at the Dublin Intercollegiate which is on the 1st of December. To kick off our training for this, tomorrow (Mon 12th) we will be dividing...
Competition season is upon us!
I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and are ready to start kicking some ass. Competitions are a great way to show off your sick new skills and earn loads of medals. The first competition of the year is the Kanazawa Cup(10 November), so mark your calendars(It's...
Karate Surf Trip
To see the full album please check our facebook page.
Competition season is upon us!
I hope you all enjoyed our first kumite class with Aran this week and hope that you're not too sore. Competitions are a great way to show off your sick new skills and earn loads of medals. The first competition of the year is the Kanazawa Cup(10 November), so mark...
Hey All!
Just a short email from us this week. We know you are getting busier now with assignments and tests, but make sure to look after your health and fitness by coming to some Karate training sessions this week. Why not bring a friend along too? Whether you're new to...
Wow, Week 4 Already!
We are looking forward to seeing all of you again at training this week ? Please make a special effort to come down on Monday, as afterwards we will have our first games night of the year with snacks and soft drinks, after we work up a good hunger from training! Why...
Well Done on Amazing First Few Weeks of Training
Here are some photos from the Fresher's night
UCD Karate Win Big at Kanazawa Cup Championship
It has been an incredible weekend of competition for UCD Karate, on Saturday the 11th five members of UCD Karate represented the University at the Kanazawa Cup Championship in Tallaght, an open national level competition. The team succeeded in taking home six...
Karate Club Newsletter November 2013
Hope you al had a nice Halloween break and are ready to get back to training! We have some exciting events coming up this week, and training as normal! Dublin Inter Collegiate Competition This Saturday is the 2nd Annual Dublin Inter Collegiate Competition, hosted by...
UCD Karate Newsletter Vol. 2 14 May 2012
Club AGM The Club AGM is this Monday the 14th of May. It will take place after a special extra Monday night training the club has booked to round up the college year. This will be the last Monday training so it would be great if everyone can try and make it down....
UCD Karate Newsletter Vol. 2 26 Mar 2012
Training Has Resumed After a bit of a break (due to the Olympic Hockey Qualifiers being held in UCD) normal training has resumed each Monday 6pm-8pm and Wednesday 8pm-10pm in Hall B of the sports center. If you've missed a lot of sessions now is a good time to start...
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