by Callum Terry | 7 Oct, 2018 | News
Just a short email from us this week. We know you are getting busier now with assignments and tests, but make sure to look after your health and fitness by coming to some Karate training sessions this week. Why not bring a friend along too? Whether you’re new to...
by Callum Terry | 20 Sep, 2018 | News
We are looking forward to seeing all of you again at training this week ? Please make a special effort to come down on Monday, as afterwards we will have our first games night of the year with snacks and soft drinks, after we work up a good hunger from training! Why...
by Callum Terry | 12 Sep, 2018 | News
Here are some photos from the Fresher’s night
by UCD Karate | 14 Nov, 2017 | News
It has been an incredible weekend of competition for UCD Karate, on Saturday the 11th five members of UCD Karate represented the University at the Kanazawa Cup Championship in Tallaght, an open national level competition. The team succeeded in taking home six...
by UCD Karate | 13 Nov, 2013 | Archive, News
Hope you al had a nice Halloween break and are ready to get back to training! We have some exciting events coming up this week, and training as normal! Dublin Inter Collegiate Competition This Saturday is the 2nd Annual Dublin Inter Collegiate Competition, hosted by...
by UCD Karate | 14 May, 2012 | Archive, News
Club AGM The Club AGM is this Monday the 14th of May. It will take place after a special extra Monday night training the club has booked to round up the college year. This will be the last Monday training so it would be great if everyone can try and make it down....