We have a date for summer grading

We have a date for summer grading

Mark down this date: 19 July 2019 (Friday), 6-8pm Normally summer is a rather quiet time for our club, but since we’ve grown so much last year, there is now a need for our members to grade even out-of-term! Our visiting grading officer will be Sensei Neville...
Club of the Year 2019!

Club of the Year 2019!

It has been an incredible night for UCD Karate Club, on Monday the 20th, the members of the club attended this year’s Bank of Ireland UCD Sports Awards 2019. Thanks to the amazing work, motivation, dedication, unity and a truly inspiring team spirit of the UCD...
UCD AUC Sports Award

UCD AUC Sports Award

We’ve been nominated for the “Club of the Year” and “Team of the Year” at the UCD AUC Sports Awards on 20 May! ?? It’s a prestigious event and members of our club who took part in the 2019 Karate Intervarsities are invited to...
Reunited at last!

Reunited at last!

After 3 years apart, the 2 coveted karate trophies of All-Ireland Intervarsity Cup and Intercollegiate Cup have been reunited here once again at UCD! We’ve had a phenomenal year and are now the top-ranked university karate club in the country. We couldn’t...
2019 AGM Results

2019 AGM Results

Another successful Annual General Meeting was wrapped up and we are delighted to announce the new committee for the year 2019/2020! Captain – Callum Terry Senior Treasurer – Bill Hayden Junior Treasurer – Christopher Brady Secretary – Shane...
Success at Gradings

Success at Gradings

Congratulations to the members of our karate family who graded yesterday. We’ve achieved 100% passing rate again for everyone who joined: Niamh, Zung, Alex, Barry, Shane, Liam, Mirza, Hayley, Karthika, Ben, Lena, Judith and Misha! We are happy to host the most...