Training Has Resumed
After a bit of a break (due to the Olympic Hockey Qualifiers being held in UCD) normal training has resumed each Monday 6pm-8pm and Wednesday 8pm-10pm in Hall B of the sports center. If you’ve missed a lot of sessions now is a good time to start back again as everyone else will be a bit rusty too so it should give you a chance to catch up.
It’s a very busy time for all students with exams and essays bearing down on us, but try to come along to training when you can. You’ll find it’s helpful to unwind, get in a bit of exercise and maybe hit a few people when the stress starts to kick in.
Grading and Inter-Collegiate Competition
There will be a grading some time in April, this will be the last grading of the academic year so if you would like to grade it’s important that you start working on your kata, kihon and kumite (the 5 step form we use in class not freestyle) so that you are prepared and confidant when you go for it and come out with a nice new belt.
The grading syllabus is available here from the ISI website:
or here (the main ISI link appeared to be down so if it dosen’t work this one should)
As anyone who made it down to the friendly Inter-collegiate competition can tell you it was a resounding success and there were five Dublin colleges present at the event ( DCU, DIT, RCSI, TCD and UCD). I hope to upload the photo’s to our facebook page this coming weekend, sorry about the delay but it’s due to limited internet access (I haven’t forgotten them or anything!).
The event allowed the club members to meet each other in a relaxed friendly social environment and the clubs involved to form a tighter relationship. The event paves the way for more frequent inter club events with an aim to increasing the involvement of college students in Karate across all the universities involved. All of the clubs involved are eager to establish an annual Dublin college cup event and have set a date for the first such event in November 2012. We will begin further preparations for this event after the AGM, anyone who may know companies or individuals interested in sponsoring the new competition let me know.
End of Year BBQ and the AGM
As it’s coming towards the end of the academic year we will be setting a date for the club Annual General Meeting. All members will be invited to attend and we will set out a plan of action for the club’s 2012/13 session. If you would like to take a more active role in the club it will be a great opportunity as you can take up a committee position or nominate yourself for the position of club secretary, treasurer, captain, PRO officer etc. (Don’t forget even if you are graduating this year you are entitled to a one year period of grace in which you can represent UCD at a competitive level and hold senior committee positions)
There is a plan to hold a BBQ at the end of the academic year to celebrate a successfully year. Members input for the best date to hold this on would be helpful (should it be before or after exams etc.)
I’ll also organize another movie night and a few pub nights before we part ways for the summer holidays – as usual all and any suggestions for club social events welcomed!
I’m sorry for the prolonged absence of a newsletter, but my sporadic access to Internet and a terribly busy scholarly life got in the way.
Elizabeth Treacy
Club Captain
Republished from old blog.